How to filter an array with JavaScript

The .filter() method is a built-in method available for JavaScript array objects that can help you in filtering an array. The syntax of the method is as follows:

arrayObject.filter(callback, thisContext);

The method has two parameters:

  • callback - Required - The filtering function that will be executed for each array value
  • thisContext - Optional - The value of this keyword inside the callback

The thisContext parameter is optional and usually not needed. You only need to define the callback function, which will accept three arguments:

  • The currentElement being processed into the method
  • The index of the element that starts from 0
  • and the array object where you call filter()
filterCallback(currentElement, index, array){
  // ...

The callback function must include a validation pattern that returns either true or false.

Filter method examples

Let’s see an example of .filter() in action. Let’s say you have an array of stock prices as follows:

let stockPrices = [3, 7, 2, 15, 4, 9, 21, 14];

You want to filter the prices to display only those higher than 5

Here’s how you do it with .filter():

let stockPrices = [3, 7, 2, 15, 4, 9, 21, 14];

let filteredPrices = stockPrices.filter(function (currentElement) {
  return currentElement > 5;


The value of filteredPrices will be [7, 15, 9, 21, 14]

The filter method simply evaluates the currentElement and returns either true or false.

If your callback function returns true, the currentElement will be added to the result array:

  • During the first iteration, the currentElement is 3 so the callback returns false
  • During the second iteration, the currentElement is 7 so the callback returns true and the value is pushed into the result array
  • The iteration will continue to the last element
  • The resulting array is assigned to filteredPrices variable

And that’s how the .filter() works. You can also filter an array of objects with this method.

Filtering an array of objects

Let’s see another example. Suppose you have an array of stock prices, but this time it’s an object:

let stocks = [
    code: "GOOGL",
    price: 1700,
    code: "AAPL",
    price: 130,
    code: "MSFT",
    price: 219,
    code: "TSLA",
    price: 880,
    code: "FB",
    price: 267,
    code: "AMZN",
    price: 3182,

Now you need to filter the stock prices to include only those with prices lower than 1000

Here’s how you do it:

let filteredStocks = stocks.filter(function (currentElement) {
  return currentElement.price < 1000;

The value of filteredStocks will be as follows:

0: {code: "AAPL", price: 130}
1: {code: "MSFT", price: 219}
2: {code: "TSLA", price: 880}
3: {code: "FB", price: 267}

Finally, you can also write the callback function using ES6 arrow functions:

let filteredStocks = stocks.filter(
  (currentElement) => currentElement.price < 1000

Manual filter implementation

Some old browsers like IE8 doesn’t support filter method, so you need to write a manual filter by using a for loop and array length property as follows:

let filteredStocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < stocks.length; i++) {
    if (stocks[i].price < 1000) {

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