How to print integers in Python

There are 4 ways you can print integers in Python:

  1. Using the print() function
  2. Using the f-string format when you have a string
  3. Using the int() function when you have a string of numbers
  4. Using the str() function when you need to print alongside a string

Let’s see how to use these 4 solutions in practice next.

1. Using the print() function

When you have integers in your code, you can print them using the print() function just like strings:

my_int = 899

print(my_int)  # 899

2. Using the f-string format when you have a string

When you need to print an integer alongside a string, you can use the f-string format to get them printed without any error.

You add a literal f before the string, then wrap the integer inside curly brackets {} as shown below:

my_int = 899

print(f'The value is: {my_int}')  
# The value is: 899

The f-string format automatically converts the integer into a string, allowing the print function to work.

3. Using the int() function when you have a string of numbers

When you have a string of numbers, you can call the int() function to convert that value:

my_number = '899'

print(int(my_number))  # 899

The variable my_number will be printed as an integer because you called the int() function inside print().

4. Using the str() function when you need to print alongside a string

If you want to print the integer with some strings, you need to convert the integer value to a string so that Python can concatenate the values:

my_int = 899

print('The value is: ' + str(my_int))  
# The value is: 899

Without calling the str() function, you’ll get an error saying ‘can only concatenate str (not “int”) to str’.

And those are the 4 solutions you can use to print integers in Python. I hope this tutorial is useful.

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