The Kotlin constructor explained with examples

A constructor is a feature of Kotlin class member that allows you to initialize a class properties in a clear and easy way.

A class member in Kotlin can have a primary constructor and many secondary constructors. This tutorial will focus on the primary constructor first.

The primary constructor in Kotlin class is defined in parentheses as a part of the class header.

In the following example, the Person class has a primary constructor of a string property called name:

class Person(val name: String)

When you initialize an object of a Person class, you need to pass a string as the name property of that object.

Consider the following example:

class Person(val name: String)

val person = Person("Jack")
println( // Jack

The primary constructor can have as many properties as you need according to the class requirements.

You can add multiple properties in the constructor separated by a comma as follows:

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int, var isAdult: Boolean)

In the above example, the age and isAdult properties are initialized using the var keyword.

A property defined using the val keyword is a read-only property, while a var property value can be mutated by the object.

The constructor property can always be called from the initialized object using the property name:

val person = Person("Jack", 27, true)
// modifying the properties
person.age = 14
person.isAdult = false

// calling the properties
println(person.age) // 14

You can also define default values for the constructor properties as shown below:

class Person(val name: String = "Nathan", var age: Int = 29)

When you want to apply access modifiers to the constructor, you need to add the constructor keyword before the parentheses.

For example, the following class has a private constructor:

class Person private constructor(val name: String)

But the most common use of the constructor is to omit the constructor keyword as in previous examples.

When you have a long constructor, you can move each property definition in its own line.

Consider the following class example:

class Person(
    val name: String = "Nathan", 
    var age: Int = 29,
    var isAdult: Boolean,
    var profession: String,
    var citizenship: String,

This way, the properties will be easier to read than a single long line beside the class name.

Properties initialized in the constructor can be used to initialize variables in the class body:

class Person(
    val name: String = "Nathan", 
    var age: Int = 29,
) {
    val customerId = name.uppercase()

Finally, a Kotlin primary constructor can only initialize property values without running any statement.

If you want to run any code after the object is initialized, you need to define an initializer block inside the class body using the init keyword.

Consider the following example:

class Person(
    var name: String,
    var age: Int,
) {
    init {
        println("Hello! My name is $name")
        println("I am $age years old")

val person = Person("Nathan", 29)
// Hello! My name is Nathan
// I am 29 years old = "Jack"
person.age = 27

The init block above will be called right after the object is initialized, so even when you change the properties of the class, only the initial values are used for the init code block.

And that’s how the class constructor works in Kotlin.

Next, let’s learn about Kotlin secondary constructors.

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