Kotlin cast - how to cast Kotlin object using the is and as operator

To cast Kotlin objects from one type to another, you can use the is and as operator.

The is operator is used to cast types implicitly while the as operator is used to cast explicitly.

Let’s learn the differences in this tutorial.

Kotlin implicit casting with the is operator

The is operator allows you to check if a variable is of a certain object type, but it also performs an implicit casting so that you can access the properties and methods of the object class that you checked on.

For example, you may have an Any type variable called myVar that can accept a String or an Int.

You can use the is operator to create a conditional if block based on type myVar value as shown below:

val myVar: Any = "Hello World"

if (myVar is String) {
if (myVar is Int) {

The call to the .length property and the .plus() method above is possible because the is operator performs a smart-casting when you use it to check on a value type.

Because the "Hello World" is a String type, the is operator implicitly converts the Any value to String value, enabling you to access String class properties and methods.

When you put an integer number as the value of myVar above, a conversion to Int happens when you use the is operator to check whether the variable value is of Int type.

You can also call the new object type properties and methods when you create multiple conditions inside your if block.

For example, suppose you need the variable length property to be greater than 0.

You can check on the length property in the same line where you add the is operator as shown below:

val myVar: Any = "Hello World"

if (myVar is String && myVar.length != 0) {

The Kotlin is operator behavior allows you to reduce the amount of code you need to write when compared with its Java equivalent as shown below:

// Java
Object myVar = "Hello World";

if (myVar instanceof String && ((String) myVar).length() != 0) {
    System.out.println(((String) myVar).length());

The Java version is longer and requires you to cast the Object type variable twice: when you check the length property value and when you print it.

And that’s how the is operator allows you to implicitly cast Kotlin types. Let’s learn about explicit casting next.

Kotlin explicit casting with the as operator

The as operator is used to explicitly convert an object to another type when possible.

For example, you may explicitly cast an Any type variable to a String type as shown below:

val myVar: Any = "Hello World"

var myStr: String = myVar as String

print(myStr.length) // 11

But since as operator is an explicit convert, Kotlin will throw a ClassCastException error when you try to cast an Int type as a String type:

val myVar: Any = 9

var myStr: String = myVar as String

// Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
// class java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to class java.lang.String

To perform a safe explicit cast, you need to use the nullable cast as? operator.

When the variable can’t be converted to the specified type, Kotlin will return null instead of throwing an error:

val myVar: Any = 9

var myStr: String? = myVar as? String

print(myStr) // null

And that’s how you can cast object types with Kotlin.

Kotlin also has type conversion methods for type classes that you can use to convert value types.

Learn more: Kotlin type conversion methods explained.

Thank you for reading! 🙏

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