JavaScript Iterate a Map Object

When working on a piece of JavaScript program, you might encounter a task requiring you to iterate over a Map object.

This article will help you learn how to iterate over a Map object in JavaScript using available methods from the programming language.

1. Using Map.foreach

The Map object prototype has the forEach() method that you can use to iterate over any Map object you created in your program.

First, create a Map object using the Map() constructor as shown below:

let myMap = new Map();

myMap.set(1, 'A element');
myMap.set(2, 'B element');
myMap.set(3, 'C element');

Next, you call the forEach() method from the myMap object and pass a callback function that accepts the value and key parameters from the object like this:

myMap.forEach(function (value, key) {
  console.log(key + ' = ' + value);

The forEach() method will iterate over the myMap object, passing each key-value pair to the callback function. You will see this output as the result:

1 = A element
2 = B element
3 = C element

And that’s how you iterate over a Map object in JavaScript. Easy Peasy isn’t it?

2. Using the for… of loop

Another way you can iterate over a Map object is to use the for...of loop. Here’s how you can do it:

let myMap = new Map();

myMap.set(1, 'A element');
myMap.set(2, 'B element');
myMap.set(3, 'C element');

for (let [key, value] of myMap) {
  console.log(key + ' = ' + value);

In the example above, we used the array destructuring assignment to capture the key-value pair extracted from the of operator.

The variable key and value will contain the respective values, and in each iteration you can manipulate those values as required.

There’s almost no difference between the two methods, so you can use which one you prefer. These have the same performance for iterating over a Map object.


To iterate over a Map object in JavaScript, you can use either the forEach() method defined in the Map object prototype, or the for...of loop.

Both solutions are very capable to iterate over a Map object with no issue whatsoever. I hope this article helps!

I also have more articles related to JavaScript Map object here:

These might be useful in your journey as a JavaScript developer. Happy coding and see you again.

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