Code Recipe: JavaScript capitalize first letter

JavaScript doesn’t have any built-in methods to capitalize the first letter of a word or a sentence of words. You will need to create your own function to do so.

Luckily, JavaScript still provides built-in methods for string data manipulation that will make the job easier for you.

Capitalizing the first letter of a word

First, you need to access the first letter of your word using the charAt() method, which returns the character at the specified index. Here’s an example:

let word = "fire";

console.log(word.charAt(0)); // f
console.log(word.charAt(1)); // i
console.log(word.charAt(2)); // r
console.log(word.charAt(3)); // e

Next, you can chain the toUpperString() method to transform the letter returned by the charAt() method:

let word = "fire";

console.log(word.charAt(0).toUpperCase()); // F

Finally, you can use the slice() method to retrieve the second letter of the word until the last one. Let’s put it all together:

let word = "fire";
let cpWord = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);

console.log(cpWord); // Fire

Finally, to make this code complete, you can use toLowerCase() method to fix a string with random cases like this one:

let word = "vAlEnTInE";
let lcWord = word.toLowerCase(); // valentine

let cpWord = lcWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lcWord.slice(1);

Reusable capitalize first function

Now you can conveniently put the code snippet as a function that you can call whenever you need to capitalize the first letter of a word. Let’s call this function cpFirst() which stands for “Capitalize First”:

function cpFirst(word) {
  let lcWord = word.toLowerCase();
  return lcWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lcWord.slice(1);

You can test and see if the function works properly:

console.log(cpFirst("ProgramMinG")); // Programming
console.log(cpFirst("welL helLo TheRE")); // Well hello there

You now have a reusable JavaScript function for capitalizing the first letter of a string. Next, you will learn how to create a function that can capitalize each word in a sentence.

Capitalizing a sentence of words

If you want to capitalize each word of a sentence, you need to split the sentence string into an array of words using the split() method. For example:

let sentence = "welcome to the world of programming";
let words = sentence.split(" ");

Here’s the value of the words variable above:

Array ["welcome", "to", "the", "world", "of", "programming"]

Now you can use the array map() method to loop over the entire words and capitalize the first letter of each word:

let sentence = "welcome to the world of programming";
let words = sentence.split(" ");

let cpWords = => {
  let lcWord = word.toLowerCase();
  return lcWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lcWord.slice(1);

The value of cpWords will be as follows:

Array ["Welcome", "To", "The", "World", "Of", "Programming"]

Finally, you need to put the words back together as a sentence using the join() method:

let cpSentence = cpWords.join(" ");

Reusable capitalize all function

Now you can put it all together as a reusable function. Let’s name this function cpAll() which stands for “Capitalize All”:

function cpAll(input) {
  let words = input.split(" ");
  let cpWords = => {
    let lcWord = word.toLowerCase();
    return lcWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lcWord.slice(1);
  return cpWords.join(" ");

You can now test the function. It will work both for a single word and a sentence:

console.log(cpAll("ProgramMinG")); // Programming
console.log(cpAll("welL helLo TheRE")); // Well Hello There


You have just learned how to create reusable JavaScript functions to capitalize the first letter of words. Great job!

Depending on your need, you can choose between a function that capitalizes only the first word or capitalize all the words. Feel free to use cpFirst() and cpAll() functions in your code. They are free of charge 😉

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