JavaScript Function object call() method explained

JavaScript Function object prototype has a method named call() that allows you to change the context of this keyword inside the function block.

In JavaScript, this refers to the context object from which you call the this keyword.

In the following example, the hello() function will log the name property of the this keyword, which refers to the function itself:

function hello() {

hello(); // undefined

But since the hello() function doesn’t have a name property, will return undefined as its value.

The call() method is provided by JavaScript in the Function object prototype, which means you can call it from JavaScript functions.

The code below shows how you can use the call method to make the this keyword refers to the person object:

const person = {
  name: "Nathan",

function hello() {
}; // Nathan

Because you pass the person object to the call() method of the hello function, the this keyword will refer to the person object inside the hello() function block.

The syntax of the call method is as follows:

call(thisArg, arg1)
call(thisArg, arg1, ... , argN)

When you call the call() method without passing any argument, then the function will be executed as if you’re calling it normally:; // the same as hello()

The first argument of the call() method will always be the this object.

Any arguments defined after the first argument will be passed to the function as its parameters:

const person = {
  name: "Nathan",

function hello(age, gender) {
}, 27, "Male");

// Output:
// Nathan
// 27
// Male

Keep in mind that the call() method can’t change the this keyword context for arrow functions.

If you create your functions using the arrow function syntax, the this keyword always refers to the global object defined in the environment where you run your JavaScript code.

Consider the following example:

const person = {
  name: "Nathan",

const hello = (age, gender) => {
}; = "John";; // John

Even though you passed the person object as an argument to the call() method above, the context of the this keyword doesn’t change.

The global object is the window object when you run the code from the browser.

In Node.js, it will be the global object.

Without the = "John" defined, the above code will return undefined.

And that’s how the call() method works in JavaScript functions. This method allows you to change the context of this keyword when running a function:

const person = {
  name: "Nathan",

const dog = {
  name: "Logan",

function hello() {
}; // Nathan; // Logan

As of today, the call() method is available and supported by all modern browsers as you can see here.

Good work on learning about the method. 😉

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