How to repeat a function N times or indefinitely in Python

Sometimes, you might require a program that runs a function multiple times.

There are two ways you can repeat a function in Python:

  1. Use the for loop to repeat a function N times
  2. Use the while loop to repeat a function indefinitely

This tutorial will show you examples of how to repeat a function in Python.

Repeat a function N times in Python

To repeat a function N times in Python, you need to use the for loop and range function.

Suppose you have a function that asks for a number and then multiple that number by 2. You want to repeat this function ten times.

Here’s how you do it:

def askUser():
    val = int(input("Input a number: "))
    print(f"The result is: {val * 2}")

n = 10
for i in range(n):

print("End of process!")

The syntax for i in range(n) will repeat the code inside the for block N times.

You only need to modify the value of n to make the for loop repeat as many times as you want.

Repeat a function indefinitely in Python

To repeat a function indefinitely in Python, you need to use the while loop and call the function in that loop.

To stop the function, you need to write an if statement with a condition that stops the loop.

For example, the following code asks the user for a number indefinitely until the user enters the word exit:

def askUser():
    val = input("Input a number. To stop, enter 'exit': ")
    if val == 'exit':
        return val
        val = int(val)
        print(f"The result is: {val * 2}")

while True:
    res = askUser()
    if res == 'exit':

print("End of process!")

In the code above, the askUser function will ask for a number indefinitely until the user enters exit.

This is done by adding an if-else statement inside the function. If the input equals the word exit, the function returns that word.

In the while loop, a break is executed when the askUser function returns a string equal to exit. You can modify the condition for stopping the loop that fits your need.

And that’s how you repeat a function call indefinitely in Python.

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