Handling exceptions (errors) in Kotlin using the try catch statement

As you write your Kotlin program, there will be times when your code unexpectedly hit an error and can’t continue its execution.

For example, Kotlin has the .toInt() function that parses a string as an Int number and return the result to you.

The function will throw an error when you call it on a string variable that has no valid whole number representation.

The following code will throw an error:

var myVariable = "Hello"

myVariable.toInt() // this causes error!

println("Finished running code")

Because the string "Hello" has no valid number representation, Kotlin will throw an error (also known as an Exception) as shown below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: 
For input string: "Hello"
at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString

When the above Exception happens, Kotlin will crash and stop executing any code below the line that causes the Exception.

In the case of our example above, the println() function won’t be executed.

The try and catch statements are a group of statements that allow you to control what happens when Kotlin encounter an Exception just like the one above.

It can be used to let your code handle exceptions gracefully and continue the code execution.

To use the statements, you can create blocks of code with the following pattern:

try {
    // the code to check for error
} catch (e: Exception) {
    // what to do when the exception happens

The try and catch statements each have a code block marked by the curly brackets {}.

The code you write in their blocks will be executed as follows:

  • The code you write inside the try block will be executed first
  • If there is no error until the end of the try code, the catch block will be skipped
  • When the try code hits an error, Kotlin will skip the line after the error and move to the catch block
  • Kotlin will pass the error details into the e variable. You’re free to name it anything

Now let’s try to run the code below to see try..catch in action:

var myVariable = "Hello World"

try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
    println("Hey you have an error! $e")

println("Finished running code")

The output of the code above will be as follows:

Hey you have an error! 
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Hello World"

Finished running code

The call to the .toInt() function above still causes an exception, but because there’s a try..catch block, the exception can be handled by Kotlin.

After printing the exception message, Kotlin continues to execute the code below the catch statement without crashing.

Catch function exception parameter type

Another thing you need to know is that you need to add type annotation to the e parameter of the catch() function.

The most common type you can use for the e parameter is the Exception class, which is the superclass of all exception subclasses.

One such subclass is the NumberFormatException class as you’ve seen in the code example above.

Because the toInt() function throws the NumberFormatException error, you can replace the Exception type above as shown below:

var myVariable = "Hello World"

try {
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
    println("Hey you have an error! $e")

It is safer to use Exception superclass however, since specifying the exact exception subclass will cause your try..catch block to ignore exception of other types.

For example, suppose you have a piece of code that throws the ArithmeticException as shown below:

try {
    val result = 25 / 0 // throws ArithmeticException error
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
    println("Hey you have an error! $e")

The ArithmeticException error from the above example is ignored since the catch function only accepts an exception of NumberFormatException class.

This is why you may default to annotate the e type as Exception unless you know the specific exception you want to catch.

You’ve learned how to handle exceptions using the try catch statements in your Kotlin program. Great job!

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