How to create Kotlin static function or method

Unlike Java programming language, Kotlin doesn’t have a static modifier that you can use to define static functions (methods) of a class.

Instead of using the static modifier, Kotlin allows you to create a companion object inside a class to declare static functions.

The following Java code:

class Main {
    public static String hello() {
        return "Hello World";

System.out.println(Main.hello()); // Hello World

is equivalent to the following Kotlin code:

class Main {
    companion object {
        fun hello(): String {
            return "Hello World"

println(Main.hello()) // Hello World

In both languages, the function hello() can be called with Main.hello() without creating a new instance of the class.

Under the hood, the Kotlin companion object creates a Companion class inside the Main class, so if you need to call the Kotlin static code from Java, you need to call it from the Companion class like this:


If you don’t want the extra Companion call, you can add the @JvmStatic annotation before writing the static function like this:

class Main {
    companion object {
        fun hello(): String {
            return "Hello World"

The annotation will cause the Kotlin code to generate an additional static method when compiled to Java bytecode.

In the code below, the highlighted lines are only generated when you add the @JvmStatic annotation:

public static final class Main {
    public static final Scratch.Main.Companion Companion =
            new Scratch.Main.Companion((DefaultConstructorMarker) null);

    public static final String hello() {
        return Companion.hello();

    public static final class Companion {
        public final String hello() {
            return "Hello World";

        private Companion() {

        // $FF: synthetic method
        public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {

With the @JvmStatic annotation, you can call the method from Java using the same syntax:


But you only need this when you call the compiled Kotlin code from Java.

Kotlin static function in a Kotlin object

Aside from creating a companion object in a Kotlin class, you can also create a Kotlin object to keep your static functions.

A Kotlin object is a static instance that can’t be instantiated like a class, so it’s perfect for storing your static variables and functions.

Here’s the same static hello() function in a Kotlin object:

object Main {
    fun hello(): String {
        return "Hello World"

println(Main.hello()) // Hello World

You are free to use a class or an object to define your static functions in Kotlin.

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