How to create Kotlin constants and static values

In Kotlin, you can use the var and val keyword to declare and initialize variables.

Variables created using the var keyword can be changed, which means they are mutable.

To create constant (immutable) values in Kotlin, you need to use the val keyword when declaring the variable:

val statusGreen = "green"

statusGreen = "red" // Error: Val cannot be reassigned

To create a static variable that’s known at compile-time, you can add the const keyword before the val keyword.

The const keyword is equivalent to the use of static keyword in Java:

const val STATUS_GREEN = "green"

When initializing a const val variable, you are encouraged to define the variable name using all uppercase with underscores to separate the words. This is to follow the Java convention when declaring a static constant variable.

But you can still use the camelCase naming if you want to.

Finally, you can only create a const val variable on top-level or in objects:

package com.example.myapplication

const val STATUS_GREEN = "green" // OK

class Helper {
    const val STATUS_RED = "red" // Error

object Constants {
    const val STATUS_YELLOW = "yellow" // OK

To declare a const val variable inside a class, you need to add a companion object to your Kotlin class.

Take a look at the following example:

class Helper {
    companion object {
        const val STATUS_RED = "red" // OK

The companion object keyword creates an object with the same name as the class. It’s the Kotlin way of accessing members of a class without instantiating the class itself.

Since you can create a single object using the object keyword in Kotlin, it’s recommended to create an object instead of a class when you want to group constant variables.

Consider the following example:

object Status {
    const val GREEN = "green"
    const val YELLOW = "yellow"
    const val RED = "red"

You can then call the constants inside the object like how you call the Math.PI constant:

println(Status.GREEN) // green
println(Status.YELLOW) // yellow
println(Status.RED) // red

A Kotlin object represents a static instance that can’t be instantiated (a singleton) which is perfect for storing static constant values.

When you need to create an object that can’t be instantiated, use the object keyword instead of class.

If you must use a class for a specific reason, then you need to add a companion object to the class for declaring constant members.

And that’s how you define constant values in Kotlin 😉

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