JavaScript throw statement guide

In programming terms, throw is a generic term used to describe what a programming language will do when it encounters something that can’t be processed.

For example, when you call on an undefined function, JavaScript will throw an error:


// Error: myFn is not defined

The complete technical term for the code above is that JavaScript throws an error: myFn is not defined.

Now JavaScript has a built-in throw statement that allows you to trigger an error. By using throw, you are technically throwing an exception.

throw expression;

Here’s an example of a throw statement in action:

function doubleNumber(x) {
  if (typeof x !== "Number" || isNaN(x)) {
    throw "sorry, x is not a number";
  console.log((x *= 2));

try {
  let x = "X";
} catch (e) {
  // expected output: "sorry, x is not a number"

But keep in mind that you need to use the throw statement in combination with try..catch statement, because without the try..catch statement, the exception you throw will not be caught by your code. The exception will be propagated up until it eventually gets caught by the default error reporting system that’s implemented by your JavaScript engine.

Let me give you an example. In the code below, the code will call on the getNumber function, which will call the doubleNumber function:

function getNumber() {
  try {
    let x = "X";
  } catch (e) {
    console.error(`doubleNumber error: ${e}`);

function doubleNumber(x) {
  if (typeof x !== "Number" || isNaN(x)) {
    throw "sorry, x is not a number";
  console.log((x *= 2));

try {
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`getNumber error: ${e}`);

console.log("The function is finished");

When you execute the code above, the doubleNumber function will throw an exception, which will be caught by getNumber function’s catch statement:

> doubleNumber error: sorry, x is not a number
> "The function is finished"

Now let’s remove the try..catch block from the getNumber function:

function getNumber() {
  let x = "X";

function doubleNumber(x) {
  if (typeof x !== "Number" || isNaN(x)) {
    throw "sorry, x is not a number";
  console.log((x *= 2));

try {
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`getNumber error: ${e}`);

console.log("The function is finished");

The doubleNumber function still throws an exception, but getNumber function doesn’t have a catch statement, so the exception is propagated up to the code that calls on getNumber:

> getNumber error: sorry, x is not a number
> "The function is finished"

Finally, let’s remove the last try..catch block that surrounds getNumber() call:

function getNumber() {
  let x = "X";

function doubleNumber(x) {
  if (typeof x !== "Number" || isNaN(x)) {
    throw "sorry, x is not a number";
  console.log((x *= 2));


console.log("The function is finished");

Without try..catch block in your code, the exception will be propagated up again to the JavaScript code runner, and it will handle the exception. Usually, it will print the error message and stop the code execution. Here’s the result of the code above when executed with Node.js:

> throw "sorry, x is not a number";
> sorry, x is not a number

As you may notice, although the error is logged into the console, the log “The function is finished” is not printed to the console. This is because the general behavior of JavaScript is to throw an exception and stop the code execution.

By using the combination of throw statement and try..catch block, you will be able to generate a custom error message and change the behavior of JavaScript. This is useful to help you and other developers to maintain your codebase free from unexpected errors.

Throwing an object

Aside from throwing a string or a number value, you can also throw an object like this:

try {
  throw new Error("sorry, x is not a number");
} catch (e) {
  // expected output: "Error: sorry, x is not a number"

The Error object is just a JavaScript object with name and message property.

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