Difference between == and === operator in JavaScript - with code examples

Both double equals == and triple equals === operator is used for comparing between two values on which the operator is used on.

The difference between the two operators is that the double equals == will compare the values loosely, meaning that it will try to convert values with different types before comparing them.

The triple equals === won’t convert values of different types. It will simply return false when comparing values of different types.

To understand their differences, let’s try comparing two different values between the number value 0 and boolean value false:

console.log(0 == false); // true
console.log(0 === false); // false

As you can see from the code above, the == operator returns true because the boolean value false is converted to a number before comparing it with 0:

console.log(Number(false)); // 0

This kind of conversion is done implicitly, meaning that when you store the values in variables and compare them, the variable values will be converted only during the comparison.

In the following example, the value of variable bool after the comparison will remain false and not 0:

let num = 0;
let bool = false;
console.log(num == bool); // true

console.log(bool); // false not 0

When comparing values of different types, the implicit conversion rules are as follows:

  • If one of the values is a boolean type, the boolean value will be converted to number value, with true converted to 1 and false converted to 0
  • When comparing between string and number type values, convert the string value to numeric value.
  • If one of the values is an object type (including arrays) then the object will be converted to string first

The following example shows the double equals == conversion rules in action:

console.log(1 == true); // 1 == 1 = true

console.log(5 == "5"); // 5 == 5 = true

console.log([1,2] == "1,2"); // "1,2" == "1,2" = true

console.log(23 == true); // 23 == 1 = false

On the other hand, the triple equals === will simply return false for the same values as above because it doesn’t do conversion at all:

console.log(1 === true); // false

console.log(5 === "5"); // false

console.log([1,2] === "1,2"); // false

console.log(23 === true); // false

Any comparison between different types with === will always return false.


To conclude, the differences between == and === operator is that the == operator will try to convert values of different types before comparing them, while the === operator always just compares them and return false for values of different types.

The == operator is also known as double equals operator or loose equality operator.

The === operator is also known as triple equals operator or strict equality operator.

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