Understanding access modifier keywords in Java

Access modifiers are keywords that determine the accessibility of Java language members like classes, constructors, methods, or variables.

There are four types of access modifier keywords in Java:

  • Default (no keyword required)
  • private
  • protected
  • public

Except for the default modifier, all other modifiers are usually declared before the class, method, or variable itself.

Declaring access modifiers

The code below shows how to declare a class as public level access:

public class Cat {}

And the following shows how to declare a protected method:

public class Cat {
  protected void hello(){

The same goes for variables:

protected String name = "Cat";
// or
private int age =  5;

Finally, here’s how to declare a constructor as protected:

public class Cat {
  String name;
  protected Cat(){
    name = "Cat";

Without the access modifier type declared, your classes, methods, and variables will have the default access:

String name = "Cat";
int age = 5;

The access modifier keywords determine the accessibility of Java language members.

Here’s a table showing the differences between these keywords:

ModifierSame ClassSame PackageSubclasses/ instancesWorld
Default/ no modifierYYNN

Let’s see some explanations about these keywords so you can understand them better, starting from the default access level

Java default access modifier

The default level access allows Java class and its members to be accessed from the same class and package, but inaccessible from a different package.

For example, suppose you have a Cat.java file located in the animal package as follows:

package animal;

class Cat {
    void hello() {

You can access the Cat class from other classes in the same package without importing as shown below:

package animal;

public class SiameseCat extends Cat {}

But you won’t be able to access the Cat class from package main even after you import the class as follows:

package main;

import animal.Cat;
// ^ Error animal.Cat is not public

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cat myCat = new Cat();

To make the Cat class available outside of the animal package, you need to make the class public like this:

public class Cat {}

Java private access modifier

The private keyword in Java is used to make variables and methods of a Java class to be inaccessible outside of the class itself.

The private modifier is not commonly used for a class, since a private class would be useless as nothing can access it.

For example, the following name variable and hello() method inside the Cat class are declared as private:

public class Cat {
    private String name = "Tom";
    private void hello() {

Both members won’t be accessible in a new object instance as shown below:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cat myCat = new Cat();
    myCat.name = "The Cat";
    // Error: name has private access
    // Error: hello() has private access

To make the variables and methods of a class accessible from its instances, then you need to use the protected modifier.

Java protected access modifier

Java protected access modifier allows you to access class members from the class itself or another class of the same package.

The following example shows how the Cat class members are accessible from the Main class in the same package:

package com.company;

class Cat {
    protected String name = "Tom";
    protected void hello() {

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cat myCat = new Cat();
        myCat.name = "Thomas";

The protected members of a class can also be accessed by its subclass even from a different package.

The code below shows how the SiameseCat object instance can access variables and methods from the Cat class:

import animal.Cat;

public class SiameseCat extends Cat {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SiameseCat myCat = new SiameseCat();
        myCat.name = "Siam";

Java public access modifier

The Java public access modifier removes all restrictions for accessing classes, constructors, methods, and keywords. It allows you to access the Java class and its members from anywhere inside the same program.

The public keyword is usually reserved for constant variables in Java:

public static final score = 10;

You may see the public static final modifier applied to many of the Math class members.

Now that you’ve learned about access modifier keywords in Java, it’s time for you to learn about the non-access modifier keywords next.

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